
A work in progress

New Stage in Life

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It’s been a while since I posted anything. The last time I posted something was in August, so it has been around two months. Since then, many things have changed.

I had my last day in college on July. I had my convocation ceremony on October, so yep. I am officially holding a B.Sc. degree. It was pretty exciting. Also, now I am working as a Software Engineer! I am now officially a professional programmer. I write code for a living. I also just moved to a new place today, so things has been very hectic in the past few months. From the job search, tying things up with my scholarship, looking for a place to rent, starting a new job, all these things has been taking up most of my time.

The last project I worked on was the WordPress theme that I uploaded on WordPress.org, and thankfully the support email has slowed down ever since the theme was moved from the featured themes. I haven’t even been spending my free time coding that much. Lack of proper workspace and my dying laptop are what I would blame, but I guess I was kind of tired with all the changes that are happening as well.

I am rather excited this new stage of life, and I hope I can learn more from my job and the people around it.