
A work in progress

2014 - Thoughts

It’s rather late for a new year posting, considering we are almost entering the second month 2014 by now, but well, what can I say, I haven’t got much time to write the past few months, and now I am only writing because I’m stuck waiting for the next ferry back to my hometown that isn’t coming for 2 hours.

New Stage in Life

It’s been a while since I posted anything. The last time I posted something was in August, so it has been around two months. Since then, many things have changed.

A Tiny Bit on Firefox Extension

I stumbled on this article on creating Chrome extension, and really, it seems really simple to do build an extension for the browser. So, I thought what would it take to build the same thing for Firefox?

When Noise Gets Too Much

The World Wide Web is an amazing thing. The amount of resources available on it is enormous. You can learn just about anything you can think of with these resources. Recently though, I noticed that amount of low quality content is getting way a lot higher.

Setting up Development Environment with Tmux

I recently just finished up my bachelor studies, and as I wait for the the convocation, I find myself not knowing what to work on. So, between tying up loose ends with my scholarship sponsor, trying to score a freelance projects, and wasting time watching TV series, I spent my time playing around with various web front-end frameworks and libraries without any particular aims.

Setting Up Stuffs on Linux

My Linux system has been pretty much set up for most things I need, since of course, Linux Mint itself comes with a lot of stuffs such as python, and such.

WordPress is Big

Well, WordPress is big. Yes, that sounds silly, I know how big WordPress is, I just never really cared about the opportunity that it provides. I am currently looking for some freelance work to do, and I was pretty disappointed that most of what I found are WordPress jobs.

Setting Up My Linux to be Less Ugly

As I decided to setup a new Linux installation that is lightweight, customizable to my taste, can be made look pretty, and of course, usable, I started looking around for the suitable setup.