
A work in progress

C# Back to Basics

I have been programming C# for quite some time, but when I think about it, I have never really tried to learn C# as a language, instead what I’ve been playing with around are mostly the .

Django Template System

Okay, last time I talked about the basic web page in Django, and it used the shortest shortcut with the render_to_reponse, but there are manual way to do the same thing using Template and Context class, and there are many scenario where we might want to do it the manual way to have more control, so to do it manually, here is the code:

Basic Django Web Application

For the past few weeks, I have been writing quite a lot in PHP, more specifically, CodeIgniter, and to be honest, writing web applications in CodeIgniter is really easy and intuitive, and even though I came across the MVC pattern (or MVT, for that matter) for the first time in Django, I quickly forgotten even the basics of Django.

Setting Up Python on Windows

Well, it’s a bit late for posting this, considering I have been playing with Python for few months as I posted before, but, I recently reinstalled my Windows, so I need to setup everything once again.

Python Generator Expression

Continuing the last post, another thing i would like to note is the generator expression in python. The function is almost the same as the list comprehension, but instead of processing the whole data structures at once, it performs the works one at a time.

Python List Comprehension

Ok, been wanting to write about this for a while, in case i forgot, but seems like I almost forgot about it. It’s about a a feature of Python that I don’t really see in other languages i use such as C#, so I wanted to write about this in case i forgot.

Windows Phone – Context Menu on a ListBox

Ok, I have been working on updating one of my windows phone app, Swatch 7. I added a feature that allows user to save the color they picked. I have write more on that on another post, maybe after the app on the marketplace is updated.

Python – Custom List Sorting Function

There are several ways to sort a list, where the basic ones is to use the list.sort() method to sort the list without returning anything, or use the sorted() function that returns a new sorted list, but this mostly works only on list that contains basic data types, if we want to sort a list that contains something else (another list, tuple, dictionary, custom classes, etc), we need to define a custom sorting function.

Python Learning Progress – Part 4

Last time I talked about getting input and a little about conditional statement and looping that should’ve enabled you to start creating the basic application and implement some basic algorithm in Python.