
A work in progress

C# – Optional Arguments and Constructor Chaining

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Learned something new about C# today, first thing is Constructor Chaining.  Constructor chaining enables constructors to call another overloaded constructor, with it, the amount of duplicate code can be reduced significantly, here is an example:

class Person{
    string name;
    int age;
    string address;

    public Person(string name):this(string.Empty,0,string.Empty)
    {    }
    public Person(string name):this(name,0,string.Empty)
    {    }

    public Person(string name, int age):this(name,age,string.Empty)
    {    }

    public Person(string name, int age, string address)

// It can be used to call the base class' constructor as well, with the
// base keyword

class AwesomePerson:Person{
    int awesomenessLevel;

    public AwesomePerson(string name, int age, string address, int level):base(name,age,address)
        this.awesomenessLevel = level;

    public AwesomePerson(int level):this(string.Empty,0,string.Empty,level)
    {    }

// and so on...

With that, I can reduce the amount of code in the constructors, and still get the options of passing only the argument that I need to the constructors. There is another way to do this, starting with C# 4.0, it introduced optional arguments that is common in dynamic languages, and it is pretty awesome, and it can be combined with the constructors chaining above for more power!

class Person
    string name;
    int age;
    string address;

    public Person(string name = string.Empty,
                  int age=0,
                  string address = string.Empty)


// To create the instances:
Person a = new Person();
Person b = new Person("Joe");
Person c = new Person(age:19,address:"Somewhere");
Person c = new Person("John",23);
